Tuesday, February 9, 2010


You would never guess that I live in the State of Arkansas by the weather we've been having.  We previously had 8-10 inches of snow and this past week it started melting to the point you could actually see patches of grass.  Well, we just got blasted with 6 inches of snow which started Sunday and didn't let up until this morning.  I'm so sick of winter that I have thought about running away from home...LOL.  Well, at least driving to a "warmer" non-snow State.

The first photo shows a cardinal coming in for a landing on the bird feeder, and other cardinals waiting their turn while sitting in the lilac bushes.  I think we have 6 or 8 of the cardinals, and they sure are beautiful to see with their red bodies up against the white of the snow.  That is one beautiful and nice thing about this winter, and I'll see if I can think of others...LOL.

The second photo shows the sun coming up through a cedar tree and some oak trees in our back yard.  Today the wind was really blowing so a lot of the snow you see in the trees is now gone and piled back where my dear husband had just shoveled.  Again, this was one of those beautiful and nice things about this winter.  Of course, knock on wood, we haven't had any power outages like we did one year ago, so that is another blessing I can count for this winter. 

Gee, never thought about counting all of my blessings in one spot, but I did manage a few today.  It's back to my crafting table to try and get creative, so please enjoy a little bit of my world and leave a comment if you care to.  Until next time.

1 comment:

Dana C (KyStamper) said...

Lovely pictures, although I agree about the snow - It sure has been a very *white* winter here in KY also, and I am ready for Spring.