Friday, March 6, 2009


The ice storm is gone, and we're hoping for good. Today it was in the 70's, with the beautiful sun shining brightly. The birds were singing, my flowers are growing, and yes we were outside playing. Today was a pretty good day as I even took our little doggie for a walk, met some of my neighbors along the way, and stopped for some chatter. Upon arrival back home I felt good enough to re-rake our yard. I say "re-rake" as with some gusts of wind we ended up with several piles of leaves in our back yard. This wouldn't have been worth mentioning except our kids from Iowa came down and had our yard looking in pristine shape. They worked their butts off with raking, hauling limbs and sticks (from the storm) out of our yard, and helping my niece and nephew cut down damaged cedar trees. Once the trees were cut down, they sawed off limbs as my niece wants the logs, drug the limbs to the front driveway so they could haul them off to the dumping site. Our yards looked so nice, except you still don't want to walk under the trees as there are huge limbs just hanging by threads of wood, and well you wouldn't live long enough to tell what happened if they fell on you. We are so very thankful for our Iowa kids, as we don't know what we would have done without them. They sure are workaholics, but very lovable ones. As I mentioned before, the yards looked great until the gusts of wind blew in leaves, so now we'll have to re-rake and pick up the sticks and limbs that have fallen - again. Oh, well it keeps Ed and I out of the taverns...LOL. I do want to apologize for not posting any art, but with the yard work my art sure has suffered. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for us, and for hanging in there. Love to you all.

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