After learning that I should have been going to an Internist Doctor instead of Family practitioner, I'm finally getting all of the tests that I should have had before. Oh, well I'm now on to enjoying my "naked ladies".
The Arkansan's call this type of lily the "Naked Lady" and the folklore that goes with it is quite funny. It is something about when a male spouse dies the widow plants these on his grave. Not sure what the context of the message is, and maybe I shouldn't know...LOL In the spring these plants come up as a very pretty green bush with lush green slender leaves. Then about mid May the greenery dies and a couple months later or so, a slender stalk that reminds me of a white asparagus stalk comes up and pretty soon you have these gorgeous lilies. Like I said, I'm not sure of the meaning of the word Naked Ladies for these flowers, and please don't ask me what their floral names are as I don't know that either. All I know for sure is that I really enjoy their beauty and protect them as much as possible from our pesky city pets - Deer.
Today I have a diabetic support group meeting at 10:00 a.m. so I'd better go and get dressed for that. I really enjoy these meetings as they are quite informative not only of diabetes itself, but for the health dangers this disease has for us, and how to stay as healthy as possible. Thank you for taking this peek at my ramblings, and if so inclined, please leave a message.
They call these naked ladies in Oregon too. We would see them in the fields everywhere. Sure brings back memories.
I am so glad that I stopped in for a visit! I got lots of plants from a niece in May, came home got them all in the ground. There were a couple that died. Then yesterday when I was out looking in the yard I saw this beautiful flower stalk, nothing but a stalk where that one plant had died. Now I know the name of it!
Love your picture and love this flower.Just when all the other flowers in the garden are parched from the July heat, here comes a newbie strong and beautiful to give us all encouragement to hang on autumn is coming....
the floral name is belladonna or scientific name is amaryllis belladonna
have a great fall :D
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